National Science Foundation
Cincinnati Museum Center
MacGillivray Freeman Films
  A statement from National Science Foundation

The National Science Foundation (NSF), which is pleased to have provided major funding for Journey into Amazing Caves, was created in 1950 as an independent U.S. government agency to promote and advance progress in engineering and science research and education in the United States. NSF invests more than $3.3 billion per year in 20,000 grants for research and education projects in engineering, science and technology.

Journey into Amazing Caves was funded in part by the Informal Science Education Division at NSF. This particular program provides rich and stimulating opportunities outside formal school settings, where individuals of all ages, interests and backgrounds can increase their appreciation and understanding of science, mathematics, engineering and technology. For more information about National Science Foundation, visit


A statement from Cincinnati Museum Center


Cincinnati Museum Center houses the Cincinnati History Museum, Cinergy Children’s Museum, The Cincinnati Historical Society Library, the Museum of Natural History & Science and the Robert D. Lindner Family OMNIMAX® Theater. Museum Center is located in a historic Art Deco building that was formerly a train station, called Union Terminal.

Cincinnati Museum Center serves both the regional and national public with over one million visitors annually through its exhibits, educational programs, films, workshops, lectures, camps, and other activities. Over the years, one of the most popular exhibits in the Museum of Natural History has been the limestone cavern, perhaps the largest and most realistic artificial cave anywhere. The exhibit tells the story of the vast, karst landscape area that extends from the Cincinnati area south through Kentucky. The single largest exhibit in the Museum of Natural History is the Ice Age exhibit, which features a simulated ice cave.

Since caves are such a prominent part of Museum Center’s exhibit heritage, and since Cincinnati is in the middle of "cave country," in 1992 Museum Center set out to produce a large format film about caves. Eventually, MacGillivray Freeman Films, with its excellent record in creating educational and entertaining films, was chosen to direct the production.

For general information about Cincinnati Museum Center, call (513) 287-7000 or 1-800-733-2077, or visit the website at

  A statement from Kodak
  Eastman Kodak Company, the "world leader in imaging," is proud to be a promotional partner with MacGillivray Freeman Films (MFF). MFF is one of the premier makers of large-format films, including Everest which broke box-office records in 1998. As part of the agreement, all of MacGillivray Freeman Film's Great Adventure Films will be filmed and printed on Kodak motion picture film. The Great Adventure Films concept was launched by MFF in 1998. The program aims to release 10 IMAX® Theatre documentaries, one every March, for ten years, taking audiences on giant screen journeys to extraordinary places, encountering people, cultures and environments. Kodak is honored to help create awe-inspiring images and show the world's greatest stories on film.
  MacGillivray Freeman Films

MacGillivray Freeman's Great Adventure Films, led by Everest (1998), Dolphins (2000) and now Journey Into Amazing Caves, will be a succession of ten science adventure films MacGillivray Freeman Films looks forward to bringing to giant screen fans over the next ten years..

For 25 years MacGillivray Freeman Films has produced and distributed giant screen films. Many of the company’s earlier films were commissioned by science centers, natural history or cultural museums such as the Smithsonian Institution’s National Air and Space Museum, the Museum Film Network (a consortium of 14 international museums and NOVA/WGBH Boston) as well as by organizations such as United States Navy Memorial Foundation and California Tourism Board. Since the release of the The Living Sea in 1995, MacGillivray Freeman Films has piloted the effort to secure funding for film topics it believed would be educational and entertaining.

Though Journey Into Amazing Caves is principally funded by MacGillivray Freeman Films, the film could not have been made were it not for the sponsors listed here.

In addition, this film and all of MacGillivray Freeman’s productions are collaborative efforts with scientists, cultural and education experts, technical specialists and museum and commercial theatre exhibitors.